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Cafesuite 3.47e


Cafesuite 3.47e

CafeSuite is a powerful cyber cafe management software package that can help you with controlling your computers, managing customers, accounting and billing.

The package constsists of two applications:

main program installed at the operator desk. It's used to control the workstations.

Client software
small program installed on all workstations.

Unlike many other programs, CafeSuite is robust, quick and secure. It doesn't matter how big is your internet cafe — CafeSuite is capable of controlling any number of workstations. It is designed to be a great help for all cafe owners, operators and customers.

The basic task of our software is to provide operators and customers with an accurate timing and billing information at any time. The software generates various reports and statistics, which give detailed information about your internet cafe business.

All transactions and actions are recorded into the database and can be reported to the owner. Reports may also be delivered by e-mail.

CafeSuite features
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CafeSuite provides many levels of security, ensuring that your business is always under control.

Workstation lock

Unused workstations can be securely locked so that no one can use them without proper authorization from the operator.

Operator profiles

You can create many profiles for your employees with different access rights. Not every one should be able to change crucial options or pricing schemes — CafeSuite makes it possible.

Encrypted data files

All databases used by CafeSuite are encrypted which ensures they can't be tampered with by unouthorized individuals.


It's possible to create backups of data files automatically evey given period of time. Your data will be secure even when your system crashes.

Ease of use

Although our software has many advanced features it's still very easy to use, both for operators and customers. The user interface is clean and feels very natural even to begginers. The integrated help system will guide you in case of any problems.

Customer accounts

CafeSuite makes it really easy to manage large database of customer accounts. You can create different types of accounts for your customers — time accounts, cash accounts, debt accounts and unlimited accounts. You can assign beneficial charging rates to customer accounts to reward devoted customers.

Customers will be able to log on by themselves using their account ID and password. It's also possible to create smart, magnetic or barcode cards for your customers, so that a simple scan of their card will log them on.

CafeSuite provides unique graphical workstation reservation system. Simply select a time period on the workstation chart to create the reservation.

In case of a very big traffic, you'll appreciate the Waiting queue function, allowing you to manage the waiting list.
Reports and statistics

Our software provides you with a range of reports and statistics summarizing your business performance. Starting with very general reports, you can even get a list of all operations performed by your employees minute by minute.
Flexible charging rates

Real strength of CafeSuite lies in the flexible charging rates system. You can configure many schemes of pricing, including periodical discounts.

You can assign different charging rates to computer groups, beneficial pricing can be used with customer accounts. You can even create traffic discounts that adjust prices depending on the number of free computers in your cafe.
Support for external devices

You can use barcode scanner, magnetic card or smartcard reader to logon users with accounts and sell products. CafeSuite also supports receipt printers for printing receipts and account tickets.
Integration with CyberPrinter

Our software integrates with CyberPrinter allowing you to keep control over your printers. Once a customer prints some pages, CafeSuite will notify the operator about that and calculate the charge automatically.
Easy on resources

Even though CafeSuite is feature packed as no other software package, it's very easy on your system resources. Thanks to efficient programming schemes and great design it runs without problems even on older hardware. This fact eliminates the need for costly hardware upgrades, which saves your money! See the CafeSuite system requirements page to find out if it will run in your system.

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CafeSuite consists of the following modules.

* Shop module
* Reservations module
* System policies module
* System protection module
* POS printer module
* Magnetic card reader module
* Smart card reader module
* Barcode reader module
* Printing control module

Shop module

Shop module allows you to keep record of all sales. Sales are divided into products and services. The module consist of stock inventory, product deliveries, VAT customization, direct and indirect sales, sales deducted from customer account, possibility to cancel recent sales and sales reports. Shop module can be used with POS printer module and barcode reader module.
Reservations module

The reservations module makes it possible to reserve certain workstations for your customers when they ask you to. You can view, add, edit, remove and activate reservations on a nice, easy-to-use graph. Reservations can be paid in advance (also partially). CafeSuite can display the time of the closest reservation in a special column. The module also includes waiting queue functionality.
System policies module

System policies module allows you to apply different system policies to the workstations. That includes disabling Control Panel items, MS-DOS applications, registry editor, hiding disk drives, etc. It's also possible protect hard drives from being formatted.
System protection module

This module makes it possible to completely protect your system from malicious customers by limiting access to files and folders on the workstations. Of course, when workstation is in the maintenance mode, all the restrictions are automatically disabled.

The killer feature of the disk restrictions module is the ability to assign restrictions to charging rates. For example, you can disable access to the internet for Games charging rate and restrict access to games for the Office rate.

Please note that you need to have some computer knowledge to setup disk restrictions properly as they are a very powerful tool. However, once configured it can keep your workstations secured for a long time.
POS printer module

POS printer module is used to print receipts and account tickets for your customers on POS printers. The module supports most RS232 POS printers (for example Epson TM-U200 and Star SP-200). It makes it possible to print receipts for both computer usage and other sales. Of course, receipts can be easily customized to suit your company needs.

This module doesn't include any hardware.

Magnetic card reader module

Card reader module allows you to log customers in and out by scanning their magnetic cards. It can be used with both prepaid and use-and-pay accounts. Currently CafeSuite supports RS232 serial port readers (for example by MAGTEK). You can use just one reader that is connected to the main computer or get separate reader for every client workstation so that customers log in on their own by simply swiping their card when workstation is locked. Please note that we don't supply scanners nor cards.

This module doesn't include any hardware.
Smart card reader module

Smart card reader module allows you to use memory card readers with CafeSuite. As with magnetic cards, your customers can be logged onto workstations just by reading their cards. You can use smart card readers both at the main computer and at the workstations. All PC/SC compatible readers are supported.


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